Okay..this is part 2 of
"Improve Your Looks" You can see the Part 1 on
Improve Your Looks-part 1 Furthermore, when we waited the room be laid out by waiter to table manner event, all participants were invited to Hotel tour. We went to the lobby, restaurant, ballroom, garden inside the building, spa, fitness centre, and swimming pool.
After one hour, we returned to the Ballroom. And the second show :
Table Manner, began ! XD
Guided by
Mr. Yaya S. Moechtar, executive asisstant manager of Aston Tropicana Hotel.
Table Manner is the ethics of how-to-eat and manners at dining table in formal banquet. Banquet is a large meal which usually serves a purpose such as charitable gathering, a ceremony, or a celebration and is often preceded or followed by speeches in honor on someone.
There are
`Good Table Manners` :
1. Don't forget to say "Please" and "Thank You", if you want to get help from waiter/waitress.
2. No Playing (Keep Calm)
3. No Reaching
4. Be Grateful
5. Napkin (always) in lap
6. Clean hands (I suggest before you enter the ballroom)
7. Hold Silverware Correctly
8. Hats Off
9. Sit Up Straight
10. No Elbows (on the table)
11. Mouth Closed (while chewing the food in your mouth)
So Who needs Table Manners ?
For everyone of course…
Because these are the correct procedure of eating. It can have quite long time to do, but that is the table manner's art. So that's why in France, break time for lunch can be 2 hours, because they appreciate the food as they first-needed so they think it must has important ritual.
Okay…now we go to the procedures of Table Manner..
Starting from Entering the Venue..
1. Your body posture when you walk in to dining table, must looks straight, not bent, and show your confident. Usually at dining table on official banquet, there are the card with our name on the table. You can find yourself or ask the waiter to show you which seat is yours.
2. When you will sit at dining chair, for woman, usually her man will let her sit first. If you don't bring your spouse, waiter will ask to let you sit.
3. When you sit, your back must always straight and napkin
(which will be open and place on your lap by waiter/waitress) must always on your lap.
On the dining table, there are the table setting in front of us
(in this blog, I draw my self which I saw at the event, oh ya If there aren’t complete you may ask to the waiter/waitress there).

1. Folded Napkin
2. Bread & Butter plate and Knife
3. Water Goblet
4. Salad Fork
5. Soup Spoon
6. Dinner Fork
7. Dinner Knife
8. Salt & Pepper Saucer
9. Dessert Fork
10. Coffee/Tea Cup & Tea Spoon
Nah..we start to the menu. The menu usually list on the banquet invitation. So if there are among the guests have food allergic, can refuse the food which be serve and waiting next meal. There are the following menus and procedures :
1. Bread & Butter
Do :
*Save Bread & Butter on the Bread & Butter plate
*Take bread with your left hand, then cut into bite-size with your right hand
*Save Bread in the B & B plate
*Hold the Bread knife with your right hand
*Spread a piece bread with butter
*Insert bread to your mouth by your hand
Don't :
*Do not move the B&B plate to the middle, stay it at its first place
*Do not eat the bread, by bite or cut it with knife like a steak
*Do not dip the bread in to the soup (except the bread that serves with the soup)
*Do not insert bread's pieces in to the soup
2. Appertizer
*The cutleries that I use are from the outside "Salad fork & Salad knife" . But there is just salad fork, so I only use salad fork. The menu : Caesar Salad
*Appetizer serves to raise your appetite, but not filling
*Knife (if you use that) is at your right hand and fork is at your left hand, hold it like holding a racket, at the prone positions
*Cut in to bite-size with your knife (if you use that), because I don't use knife so I scoop the food
*If the food can't be punctured, you can placed it on the back of fork with the knife, and still at prone positions
3. Soup
*The Cutlery which I used was "Soup Spoon" : The Menu : Chicken Soup with some Garlic Bread
*Spoon at your right hand, like you hold a ballpoint
*Spoon doesn't fill too full, from back to front
*Insert the spoon to mouth from the left side of spoon
*Take the soup into your mouth as quitely as possible without making a sound
*Don't blow the soup, eat it little by little
*After you eat, place your spoon at the right on base soup plate
4. Main Course
*It's show time !! I was really interest with the main course, although my stomach began to full. The Menu : Steak with Boiled Potatoes (the meat wasn't soft so it was very hard to bite and chew it)
*Stay at straight sitting positions, close your elbow to your body
*Knife to cut and Fork to prick
*Cut the meals start from closest to us
*Cut the meals according to bite-size, eat directly
*Eat as quitely as possible
*If there are some leftovers, trimmed at the middle of the plate
*Before you drink, wipe your mouth with the napkin
*After you eat, place the knife & fork at the right of the plate, knife at the right, fork on the left, a sharp facing the fork.
There are some tips :
*Don't start to eat until other guests at your table get their meal
*Don't touch the food directly by your hand, always use knife & fork
*Put the bone or fat in the edge of the plate, don’t move it to another plate or ashtray
*Don't lower your body to pick your food to the mouth
*Don't talk when your mouth full
*Don’t seem to exited to eat the food
*After all the meal on your table already in-clear-up, tooth-pick may be used
Oke..now I felt my stomach full..
*Dining table begin to clear-up
*The Cutleries that don't need, lifted
*Salt & Pepper saucer, lifted
*B&B plate, lifted
*Food crumbs cleaned by waiter/waitress from the table
*Last Cutlery : Dessert Fork + Tea Cup, pass down to the right
5. Dessert
*This is the sweet ending, Mr. Yaya said this dessert must be feel at your mouth until you go home from the banquet. The Menu : Apple Pie
*The Cutlery which I used was last cutlery : Dessert Fork
*Hold your fork like you hold your pencil
*After you eat, place fork on the right of plate
*Don't ask the waiter to clear-up, before all the fellow finish they eating
6. Tea or Coffee
*When you eat the dessert, you will be served Tea/ Coffee by the waiter
*Napkin will be clear-up
*Waiter will come to offer tea or coffee and pour it to our cup
*Put enough sugar, stir it slowly and quitely
*Don't blow or sipping your drink
*Don’t pour drink to its base plate
*If you don't want more drink, put your index finger on the lip cup
And You're done !!! XD
Well..I just felt really full..all the foods were so tasty..just a little problem from the meat steak :(
I hope this knowledge will benefit to you, The Lolita who want to create the banquet to celebrate some events by inviting your friends. :)
So the event was end at 3.00 pm, and right, the length of banquet is 1-2 hours.
After from this event, Me and Cilsi went to Paris Van Java Mall to window shopping hehehe..and we met my Uncle Dede and Aunt Una..and yeahh…I got my birthday present from them !! Yay !! :D

The present what I really want..and I wrote at my previous post about
My Birthday WishI really want new wallet and.. TADAAAAA !!

That is my Hello Kitty wallet that I really dreamed for.. X)
Hihihi It's cute, isn't it ? X3
Ok..see U at next post :3