Saturday, December 17, 2011

When Your Boyfriend Love You Being A Lolita

hahaha..actually I don't know how to write this story..without blushing on my cheeks.. :")

Last night, when he came to my dorm house..he told me this :

"..nanti kalau kita tinggal di Jepang..pas sudah lulus kuliah..dan lanjut di sana sambil kerja, kamu bisa belanja baju-baju lolita yang kamu suka..lalu kita jalan-jalan ke Harajuku..siapa tau ada yang memfoto kamu kan ya..terus dimasukin ke majalah gitu..jadi terkenal deh..Lolita dari Indonesia yang cantik ini.."

Then I laughed..hahaha
I said "Amiinn" in my heart..I hope..that things he said, will be come true~

He really likes me with my outfit...when I decided to wear cute clothes, I guessed he wouldn't like it..because what I usually wear just t-shirt and jeans..

But when I told him that I really loved Lolita style..actually I surprised that he accepted and really exited about my style. He said that the style really suited me...and he said..

"Pakailah yang kamu suka..asal kamu nyaman dengan yang kamu pakai..aku oke-oke aja..lagipula lucu..jadi kayak boneka~" ^^

I was very happy..and I thanked to God, who gave me someone that really understand me.. :)
Because I think It is rarely to meet the Man who can always be with you whenever and wherever..when you wear lolita clothes.
Some of them maybe will feel ashamed when be with you in the crowd..
or thinks that your style really weird..

But he doesn't....


"Terima kasih BiibopH, karena menerimaku apa adanya.. :* "

I hope you Girls will have the Man who love you to accept who you really are and your style~


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  1. You're so lucky, ecHie-chan! ^-^
    Coba ada someone special yang ngertiin aku gitu...huhuhu...

    Tapi aku bersyukur ortuku paham aku suka cute fashion, walaupun aq gak yakin mereka 'ngeh' dengan Lolita, hohoho... Tapi ortuku tau Misako Aoki ^^
    I guess it means that they can understand what I mean, lol ^^

  2. Yaaay PiipopH muanyank X3 ya aku sih gk mslh selama itu baik dan emg PiipopH suka :3 *lgpula emg PiipopHny makin cantik klw pake baju lolita XD* tetep semangat ya sayang, semoga hobi PiipopH bs membawa manfaat bwt PiipopH dan orang bnyk :3

  3. @Ichigo-chan : hehe makasii~ ^^
    semoga kamu juga bisa menemukan orang yang kamu suka dan menerima kamu apa adanya, Ichigo-chan~ ! ^.^b

    waa..asiknya..ortuku jg sama c..gak terlalu aneh aja kalau aku suka pakaian yang cute, soalnya aku pas kecil sering pake dress gitu hehe mulai berubah pas SMP-SMA aja ^^; terus sekarang balik lagi kayak pas masih SD ^o^/
    Semoga bisa terus pakai Lolita style selamanyaaa~ X)

  4. @BiibopH : heeeeeee ?? ada BiibopH !! (OAO);> *lari trus ngumpet di McD karena malu mau ngomong apa* X")



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